Saturday June 9, 2001
A trip to Nikko [my, Iulias, point of view]
Motto: "Fluffy and laughing make any situation enjoyable".
The weather forecast for the rainy season cannot be good. But Terry said "rain or shine" and a simple member of the club cannot argue with his president.
Anyway, Saturday morning is was "shine" and 9 people gathered around three cars near 7/11. A "heart breaking" decision for Shinji was taken, we would drive with two cars and the GPS equipped, silver sports [looking] car would stay in Tsukuba. Well, we had some road atlases, maps, a smaller GPS and Terry's confidence that we will find the way. Apparently in the other car (Mario's) the confidence was not entirely shared: when Terry drove first toward the AIST (to let Shinji's car in the AIST parking), Mario drove in the opposite direction, toward Mt. Tsukuba. Afraid of an open mutiny, the people in his car forced him to stop and wait for Terry.
Reunited we reached Nikko, passed Nikko and entered the famous windy road leading to Chuzenji lake. Well, even concentrating on saying the poem related to this road, Shinji did not feel comfortable about "sitting in the car" and not "driving the car". I was really thankful I didn't have to drive. The scenery was beautiful; Sun was still with us, we had plenty of time... Dropped out near the Ryuzunotaki (waterfall) we spent the time in which Terry and Mario drove off to leave one car at the end point of the first day's walk by taking pictures (very nice waterfall, funny participants and a new star was born: Fluffy) and supporting the Japanese economy with omiyage shopping. Elena and I checked out the geta; unfortunately they were suitable for the delicate Japanese feet only.
Half an hour later we were on the way toward Senzyogahara marsh. Some more water falls, nice water games around spectacular boulders in the river, some naked, some covered with fluffy green moss. The walk went through a beautiful forest along the river, with bamboo grass and dead tree trunks resembling to fantastic creatures. The image of a couple sitting and doing aquarelles of the landscape reminded me the impressionists and the strong influence the Japanese paintings had... Well, this is another story.
Strolling we did not pay attention to the real world and woke up on the opposite river bank but near the starting point of our walk. I don't know about the others but I enjoyed walking that small part twice, prolonging the sentiment of silence and beauty. The marsh itself was a little bit more populated with tourists I think there was a kind of contest and for a while we were busy "konichiwa"- "hi"- and "byebye"-ing.
Japanese children are dangerous! Dangerously attractive I mean. For Angie, coming from Brazil and encountering a lot of "premieres": 1st time with the TWMC, 1st time around Nikko, this was the first time when she noticed the danger, but too late. Thus, it was also the first time she twisted her left ankle.
I think that the first day we shot a lot of pictures, of marsh with fog, dried roots, strange fluffy wigs and a crocodile. Why? Don't you believe this? Look at the pictures.
Since our dry clothes were in the car trunks we decided that the beautiful onsen with waterfall view will remain for the time being only a dream. Well, later on the way Sun appeared again bloody coward not strong enough to dry us but warm enough to feed our good mood. Did I say that apart from some time when we were to concentrated on slipping only on our buts and not on the person in front of us, there were jokes, laughing (of course at ourselves), whistling (Ayho! Ayho! ... dwarf's song from Snow-white) and generally a not so bad mood.
Kouichi, Angie and Chisa left earlier. Pity for them. The onsen and dinner we had after were very nice. To the onsen we took another windy route. The onsen for girls was a gift only for Elena and me. We wanted to take a picture of the outside pool but had no camera. I wondered if Shinji would use his. He did. Even if their bath was a little crowded they managed to scare everybody out and take a picture of the Nikko-group/males. There were no major complaints apart from Renato (water too hot, I cannot quote him because the lines will be for sure censored). Even Elena said that she is "totally satisfied [with the walk]" unfortunately you have to believe my words, I could not record her.
A huge "THANK YOU" Terry for giving us these two wonderful days!
Aftermath: the rain covers Chisa and Elena had proved successful enough that now it became a "must". Renato being a good example of my idea that "the amount if hair people have is nearly identical but differently distributed' got the nickname "Fluffy". Shinji believes about himself and the boys that they are "sexy" Elena and me had no camera in the onsen. Stephan is one year older.
Statistics related to the walk (Elena's late hobby): 10 participants from 6 countries (Japan4, Brazil2, Bulgaria, Germany, Romania and Russia each with one participant); six boys (or men: Kouichi, Mario, Renato, Shinji, Stephan, Terry) and four girls (or women: Angie, Chisa, Elena, Iulia); five people wearing glasses... I think I will stop here.