Saturday June 23, 2018
Bring your friends, bring some food to share if you like (but no need to, the club is providing food and non-alcoholic drinks) and come out an celebrate with us the 20th club anniversary. Dont hesitate even if you never joined a hike or don
t know anybody. This is exactly why we have this event.
- Weather forecast is cloudy, slight probability of a few drops of rain. This will not bother us. Bring an umbrella to be sure. Part of the BBQs is under a roof.
- Could somebody give a ride for people from Tsukuba Center? At present it is just one person. So if you are coming by car and pass there anyways around 15.30 let me know and I put you in touch with phone numbers! That would be a great help. If somebody else still needs a ride, let me know fast. But it is perfectly ok to get to the place by bicycle. Calculate 30-40 min from Tsukuba Center.
- If you play tennis, or if you never played and what to, don
t miss the chance to join for some fun with the Tsukuba International Tennis Club from 13 o
clock at the tennis courts only 100 m from the BBQ. - We will be there from 15 o
clock and start preparing, if you wanna help please come. Start is then from 16 o
clock with everybody :) - Like making fire? food? turning some sausages? We need some volunteers to help take care of the bbqs in turns. This year`s TWMC SUMMER PARTY will be held at Yukari no Mori in Tsukuba.
Everybody is welcome! Even if you have never joined a hike, please come and join the summer BBQ. It is a great chance to get to know many nice people, hear about exciting hikes and club activities, and enjoy good times with BBQ together. Participation is completely free and TWMC will provide foods and non-alcoholic drinks. If you want you can bring a home made dish to share or alcoholic drinks.
Date: 23 June 2018 (Saturday)
- 4 pm till 9 pm: BBQ
- night: taking a walk in the forest to look for hotaru (fireflies), you can stay over night in tents (~400 yen), cabin (~1100 yen), or room (~4000 yen).
- next morning (Sun.): 7 am morning Yoga (This day is international Yoga day!),
8.30 am breakfast together, 10 am pack up
Place: Yukari no Mori
Transportation: You can reach Yukari no mori by bicycle or car. There is parking available. Also you can take a bus from to Tsukuba center, I will add the details in the next announcement. If you need a ride, please write to me. You can probably catch a ride with somebody going there and back by car.
The Tsukuba Hiking and Mountaineering Club celebrates its 20th anniversary this year! YEAH We are proud to say that for 20 years TWMC has brought together many people from Tsukuba and all around the world to enjoy nature and onsen, climb peaks, stroll through valleys, hike, cycle, walk, ski, or snow hike, swim in lakes, participate in local
festivals, explore mountains, islands, forests, volcanoes, crawl through caves or just hang out and enjoy good times together.
Please everybody, come out and celebrate with us together. If you just want to get to know the club and have a BBQ this is your best chance too.
In case you want to stay over night, please message me with your preference for tent or cabin, number of people, and if you have your own tent and sleeping bag or not. For BBQ, just come and bring your friends.
There is no club fee.
We are looking forward to celebrating with you together!
TWMC Summer BBQ (20th Anniversary)
This summer`s party party we decided to organize a big BBQ sponsored by the club again at Yukari no Mori in Tsukuba (the last two years we had pot-luck party in traditional dress). About 40 people came out to celebrate with us, including a few newcomers who got to know the people and activities of TWMC. Weather was cloudy with some rain between 4.30 and 8 pm. This did not keep away participants, some even coming by bicycle. With Ajisai (Hydrangea) in full bloom around the small pond at Yukari no Mori the atmosphere was perfect rainy season feeling. With the BBQs under a roof, we all could squeeze in and keep dry.
As side event we had the Tsukuba International Tennis Club playing at the courts next to the BBQ from 1 pm and everybody refilling their strength with some good grilled food after.
Twelve people stayed over night in cabins. Before sleeping we went for a walk through the forest and playground to look for Hotaru (Fireflies), which were not out or not there this night. Other nice nature discoveries were a beautiful mushroom fairy ring (actually I might be the only one who found it in the early morning, hihi). In the morning we got up early for Yoga class conducted by Mihoko, which was a great occasion since International Yoga day was just a few days before on June 21st. It gave a great start into the day and some people could try out Yoga (the union of body, mind, and spirit; a way to enlightenment; a good spinal stretch;...) for the first time.
We ate breakfast together and packed up to leave around 12 o`clock.
Special thanks goes to the few people (especially Kumiko and Lokesh) who contributed by helping enormously with bbq-ing, preparing or bringing other foods on their own, giving people a ride by car, and helping shopping. This is the good TWMC hiking spirit :) (and without it, organizing the party would have been much harder). Thanks for everybody to come and join and we hope that newcomers can find a fun place in the club and might join further to actively contribute to activities freely.
For me, this was the last event to organize as TWMC committee member.
Thanks so much for the good times. I will be leaving Japan in July for my next work and adventures. I will be back for visits though!