Nasu mountains

Saturday June 22, 2024

Nasu mountains

Difficulty 3 Number of Days 2 Tochigi


Nasu mountains are located in Tochigi prefecture. The hike is car-based. Rick will come with his car which can accommodate 5 people. So, if more than 5 people want to join, we will need more cars.

Day-1: Toge-no-Chaya car parking (1462m) - Mine-no-Chaya - Mt. Asahi(朝日岳:1896m) – Kumamizone JCT – Sandogoya Hot Spring (stay at Daikokuya)
Day-2: Sandogoya Hot Spring – Numappara JCT – Ushigakubi JCT - Chausu-dake茶臼岳(1915 m) - Touge-no-Chaya car parking

Difficulty: 3
Meeting place: Tsukuba Center bus terminal car parking
Departure Time: 5:45am
It will take 2.5-3 hours to get to the starting point by car. Since the car parking is limited and quite popular, we will leave Tsukuba early.

What to bring:
Mountain boots
Drinks 1.5-2L
Rain gear
Lunch for 2 days
Head torch
Onsen kit

Share of gasoline and expressway fees: around 3,000-5,000 yen
Accommodation: 13,000 yen including dinner and breakfast; 11,500 with dinner only; 10,500 with breakfast only; 9,000 with no meals.
Club fee: 500 yen

We will stay at Daikokuya(大黒屋), the mountain lodge with onsen.

If you would like to join the hike.
Phone number
How many meals do you want?
Do you have a car? How many people can you take?

The hike will push through if there are 4 participants or more. If not, it will be cancelled.

We consider that you agree with this disclaimer to join this hike.

