Saturday April 15, 2023
Unfortunately this trip was cancelled because of bad weather forecast
First announcement for the Narita Taiko Matsuri, the large Japanese drumming festival which is being held on Saturday, April 15th, 2023.
The festivities begin at the Naritasan Shinshoji Temple with "Play for Peace - Sengan Hana Daiko." This performance showcases all the groups that will be performing throughout the day and concludes with a powerful performance of near to one thousand taiko drums.
We will then take a short walk through some scenic woods behind the temple, where we can have lunch.
Walking up and down the Naritasan Omotesando Street there will be many taiko performances, nice food and other goodies.
The main show will be a night drum concert beginning at 5 pm at the temple.
If you want to go home earlier, please do.
For more information, check out: (in English) (in Japanese)
The opening event at the Naritasan Shinshoji Temple starts at 10 am and there probably will be many spectators. The train schedule below will bring us to the temple at around 9.45. If you want to go earlier to have a better view, you’ll have to check out the train schedule.
For those of us in Tsukuba, starting from Arakawaoki station on the Joban line will get us to Narita the fastest and the cheapest (1.420 yen one way). Here is the tentative time schedule:
07:55 Meet at Arakawaoki station
08:05 Train to Narita (Joban line to Shinagawa, change in Abiko to Narita line)
09:27 Arrive at Narita station & meet with people coming directly to Narita
09:45 Arrive at the temple, we will walk from the station
I hope we can get enough cars to go to Arakawaoka station.
If not we’ll take the 7:32 bus from Tsukuba center to Arakawaoki station.
If you want to join, send me:
- Your name and phone number
- If you have a car to go to Arakawaoki (going to Narita by car is useless as it is impossible to find parking space)